Prove All Things
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According to the Scriptures: A Biblical View of the Authority of the Bible

January 12th, 2006

The following series of articles is a study in Bibliology – the doctrine of the Bible. The purpose of this series of articles is to display something of what the Bible teaches about the Bible, but more particularly to display what the Bible teaches about the authority of the Bible. Below is a brief outline […]

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The Need to Reinvent the Wheel

January 12th, 2006

You’ve used the expressions yourself: We don’t need to reinvent the wheel. We don’t need to start from scratch. We should take what’s already been done and build upon it. There certainly are situations where such expressions apply. But this is not a universal maxim. There are some things which should be regularly re-invented. Theology […]

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A Synopsis of My Christian Beliefs

January 4th, 2006

1. The Authority of the Holy Scriptures The Holy Scriptures – the Hebrew books from Genesis through Malachi and the Greek books from Matthew through Revelation – are the very Word of God. Though these Scriptures have been inscribed by men, nevertheless everything about these men – including such things as their cultural background, their […]

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Translation Conventions for This Website

December 30th, 2005

Unless marked or noted otherwise, all English translations of Scripture on this website are my own translations. The Translation The English translation used on this website is first of all a literal concordant translation from the original language. Concordant means there is a one-for-one correspondence or agreement between the words (or expressions) in the original […]

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